Stand up Paddle Boarding
Yesterday, Logan and I were able to cross another item off my list when we went Stand up Paddle Boarding. We started off the day with a cup of coffee on our patio like we do most mornings, discussing how we wanted to spend our holiday weekend. The weather was perfect outside so we decided to start our afternoon with finally using the groupon I got for paddle boarding. We drove down to Fort De Soto Park where we met up with our guide for lessons.
I thought it was going to be an hour of instruction, but it turned out to be a 'lesson' that lasted less then 2 minutes followed by and hour of Logan and I exploring on our own. It was such a pleasant surprise. Over the next hour we enjoyed the beautiful Florida weather, getting a little exercise and pointing out all the wildlife we could find. Afterwards we continued to enjoy the great view of the water and amazing weather with lunch at a rooftop bar where we decided not to do anything productive all weekend and just enjoy some time off. It was a beautiful way to start the holiday weekend.
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